Making lists of the best games of the year is fun, but when we are just hours away from the turning of a decade, more definitive and inclusive lists are needed. The 2010’s were full of amazing games on all platforms, and some platforms were born in this decade. Ten years ago, virtual reality headsets were simply a dream and to own one wasn’t reasonable. Now at the end of the 2010’s, buying a high-end standalone VR headset is nearly a third of the price of a high-end smartphone.

Along with these advancements in hardware, software and gaming also took a giant leap. Simply look at some of the most popular games on any platform. They all got a facelift in not only looks but feel and gameplay as well. Virtual reality is progressing much fast than other platforms when it comes to games, but is because they started so far behind.

When compiling a list of the best games of the decade, it would be very easy to make this list of games all made within the last year. Most small games in 2019 are better than larger games in 2016. With that being said, it would be unfair to hold devs from three years ago to the same standard as today. The hardware wasn’t where it is, and the tools we have today simply were created yet three years ago.
The Best Games of the Decade
With this list, we are going to take into account what these games were at the time of the launch, compared to the other games in the virtual stores at the time. If you think we missed a game or added an undeserving game, let us know in the comments below!
Beat Saber ($29.99)
Beat Saber is not only the game of the decade but the best VR game of all time. There were rumors of this possibly being dethroned by Pistol Whip, but the hype turned out to be just that. Beat Saber continues to win their fan’s time by new music and modding capabilities each and every month. There isn’t a more active game out there, and it happens to be the most fun also. Whether you are just getting into VR or you have headsets for years, Beat Saber is going to be your favorite game.
SUPERHOT VR ($24.99)
SUPERHOT VR is one of the only games that can rival the replayability of Beat Saber, and it shows with the fans. This game was released early on with the Oculus Rift, and it still is one of the best VR games to date. That takes some serious dedication from the development team to continue to make this game compatible with the newest headsets and technologies. Even at the end of 2019, this game was breaking and making records of copies sold. This game will continue to shine going into the new decade.
Moss ($29.99)
Moss was first released on the PS VR platform, but the popularity grew and so did the compatible platforms. This game didn’t have the strongest start, but the more people played it, they realized it was far ahead of its time. This game on the PS VR headset was amazing, but now being able to play on the Valve Index and see the beauty, we have realized how perfect this game is. You won’t be only controlling Quill, the mouse, but you also possess the ability to interact with your environment. Expect more games like Moss to coming this next decade.

Robo Recall ($19.99)
Robo Recall was one of the first exclusive games the industry saw, and it worked its magic. It brought thousands of new users to the Oculus Platform. This game is a first-person shooter than incorporated a new (at the time) way to teleport. Not only are you choosing where to land, but you are also choosing which way you will be facing when you do land. This speeds up gameplay and immerses you in the game in new ways that had yet to be seen. Interacting with your environment in Robo Recall is also never-ending, something that VR games today still can’t figure out. Robo Recall was a pioneer for the VR gaming industry.
I Expect You To Die
This is the first game we saw in virtual reality that broke the conventional idea of a VR game. It wasn’t a knock-off sports event, shooter game, or even an experience with no interactions. This game was a spy game that had the feel of an escape room. It had yet to be done in virtual reality, and it is still the best puzzler game inside of any headset. If you are looking for a game with a new feel that is still adding DLC years after the initial release, look no further. IEYTD is as original as they come.
Arizona Sunshine
Robo Recall was the first game that let us have the gun in our hand and teleport with ease, but the campaign mode was lacking with depth of story, there was still a gaping hole in the industry. Arizona Sunshine filled that hole for many, giving us a single-player mode with countless hours of storied-killing and zombie-chasing. With multiple ways to move around, and multiple headsets getting their own version of the game, you can find yourself playing this game years after the release date. That is the true stamp of a game deserving a spot on this list.
Pistol Whip
Pistol Whip was nearly hyped as much as LeBron, but the difference is LeBron lived up the hype, and Pistol Whip didn’t. That isn’t to say PW isn’t a good game, as it evidentially is by making this list, but we were expecting a different product. The game had an incredible first week but simply fell after that. This game is still worth putting on the list because of the fast action and fun music, but you aren’t getting something with the Beat Saber replayability. This is an FPS with a fun twist. Not much more than that.
Job Simulator
When you play Job Simulator for the first time, you would not expect it to make the list. But after you show your friends this game as their first, and you have a chance to play it a little more, you understand how important this game is to the furthering of the VR gaming world. It introduces plenty of new features that other VR games adopted from this idea. It isn’t the best full game, but it deserves credit for being a pioneer with some of the best ideas.
Doom VFR
Doom Virtual ‘effing’ Reality is very popular, and part of it is due to its name. The game itself is slightly average, but there is something inside of this game that makes it deserving of the list that is holding some of the best ever made. The movement in this game never lets your virtual turn, as that is only done by your head in the real world. This may seem annoying at first, but it saves you from motion sickness like never before. This part of the game is slowly becoming mass-adopted, and credit is earned in this specific part of the game.
Tilt Brush
If you make a list of the best games, the only reason Tilt Brush from Google wouldn’t be on is because it is categorized as an app. Whether you call this an app or a game, there is no denying it is the best and most popular way to create 3D art inside of virtual reality. The Oculus Quill app is the best for professionals and those alike, but Tilt Brush is perfect for the common VR fan trying to make a cool concept playground for their virtual characters. It isn’t the most technical, but it is the easiest and most fun you can find.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR
Skyrim was the first full title that felt like a console game inside of virtual reality. The success and popularity of this game paved the way for plenty more like it. From Stormland to No Man’s Sky, this game made the community accept the possibilities of a good VR game. Easy-to-use locomotion and an easy-to-navigate environment make this game an easy full title to play, understand, and love. It was the first of its kind, but definitely won’t be the last.