If social distancing, quarantine, or a decrease in work has you spending more time at home – you are are now able to take the full Unity Learn Premium training course free for the next three months (March 19 through June 20). The Unity Learn Premium platform includes exclusive access to Unity experts, live interactive sessions, and on-demand learning resources.
As the adoption of VR continues at a break-neck pace, the demand for 3D content is also increasing. If you are in the market to up-skill yourself, this just might be the perfect opportunity for you!

If you are a beginner, you can start learning with some of the free resources available. After you’ve gone through the introductory courses, you should be ready to jump head-first into the Unity Learn Premium training. Keep in mind that you only have a 3 month window where Unity Learn Premium will be free. So, try to get through the introductory material as quickly as possible.

Access to Premium Resources from Unity
The course includes tutorials that include more than just game development guidance – which is actually a huge part of the course. It also includes guidance on technical best practice as well as workflow-based tutorials. Technical and workflow modules include:
- Creating Custom Render Passes
- Creating a High Dynamic Range Image Skybox
- Rigging a Sprite and the 2D Animation Package
- Working with Animation Rigging

Practical Hands-on Projects
Beyond the technical and workflow-based modules, Unity Learn Premium includes Hands-on Projects. These projects are centered around industry use-cases and include the following topics:
- Learning to Monetize Your Game
- Creating Effects with Shader Graph
- Unity LIghting Fundamentals
- Post-Processing Color Grading

Advanced In-Depth Courses
Those two massive sets of modules and tutorials should help you up-skill pretty fast. Once you’ve made it through, you’ll be able to move onto a high degree of mastery with the In-Depth courses that cover some of the most marketable Unity Skills. The in-depth courses should take you from novice to pro with the following modules:
- AAA Graphics in Unity
- Learning Unity C#
- Advanced Fundamentals for Game Devs
- Introduction to XR: VR, AR, and MR

Live Learning Sessions
Along with the modules listed above, the Unity Learn Premium comes with biweekly interactive deep dive sessions. These sessions are lead by Unity Certified Instructors. They will cover topics that include:
- Timeline
- Shader Graph
- Nested Prefabs
- The Post-Processing Stack for VR

Unity understands that they aren’t the only 3D design software available – but they are confident this offering for free access to their best training content will win over skeptics or hold-outs. If you are recently out of work, or would like to take advantage of some extra time that current world conditions have provided you, take a look at the Unity Learn Premium program.