For many people’s first games on their HTC Vive, it was Space Pirate Trainer that was the first to make its way onto their headsets. The game debuted on Steam, and Vive. It was a perfect example of what a wave shooter game in VR could be. Both fun and challenging, just hard enough to make you want to really beat it. 

Its been on early access this whole time since releasing, but now everyone on PSVR will get a crack at these waves of robots enemies. It released the same day In Death was released, the rouge-like shooter game on PSVR.

The news was broken by Project Lead Dirk Van Welden by form of a tweet. The only difference he said would be that because of Sony’s limitations of only a front facing 180 degree turning, the game would stay that way. Although if you have ever have played this game, you’ll know that most, if not all of this game is perfect for limitations like that. 

Once again, this is great news for the PSVR community, as some of the greatest titles from different platforms are making their way onto the PlayStation Virtual Reality.


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