Last month we saw the Oculus Quest release as the new standard for standalone virtual gaming. The Quest is being dubbed as the best headset on the market right now, and it hasn’t even been in customer hands for more than a month at this point. We saw a number of exclusive games come with the Quest, but none more exciting and bought than the new Star Wars hit Vader Immortal: Episode I.
Although Beat Saber is consistently holding the title as the Best VR Game on any given headset, but Saber Immortal has been flirting with taking that title on the Quest for the last few weeks. This game was hyped up as much as it could be in the first weeks of launch, and it deserved all of the hype. Other than a few tough teens that induced some bad motion sickness, this is one of the best games I have played in any virtual space.
The news has now been broken that the Oculus Rift and Rift S will now support Vader Immortal in the following days. This is Avery exciting time for any Rift owner, as before it has been 100% exclusive to Quest owners.
If you fall in the category of owning both a Quest and any Rift, you may be wondering if you are going to have to purchase the game once more. The answer is no, you will not have to buy Star Wars Vader Immortal: Episode I more than once. This game will support cross buy, which means that no matter where you buy it in the Oculus Store, you will be able to download and play on any Oculus headset that you own.
You may be wondering if it will be a challenge playing this game while being to tethered to your PC, but worry not. Because the game was designed and made for the Quest, you are able to, and forced to, spin around and look everywhere at any given time. This sounds like a problem for non-standalone headsets. It’s not the end of the world. The game has been altered (ever so slightly) to fit not only the wires of the Rift and Rift S, but the specifications of the headsets as well.
This means that the Rift will utilize the power and graphics upgrade it has over the Quest, and it will have slightly better tracking for the saber. Although this will be a small, minuscule difference, it will be there for you to notice.
The game comes at a price point of $9.99, and won’t be changing for sometime. The game has roughly 45 minutes of immersive game play. This is something that when finished, you will want to be playing again. After you beat the game one or seven times, there is always the lightsaber dojo. In this game mode you will be fighting off robots that are wielding their own lightsabers, and are fully invested in making sure that you don’t get past them.
Rift owners should be excited by this game, and the urgency that Oculus showed in making it Rift compatible so fast.