Rush is not for the faint of heart. This game is one that is meant for the thrill seekers of the virtual reality world. The constant carving of the air beneath you is meant for anyone that is looking to get a joy ride out of virtual reality. If you are looking for a game that is a real life simulation of sky gliding and a new fun original title, look no further. You have met your match. 

Although this adrenaline-pumping game looks flawless in the trailers and gameplay, there are some serious flaws that are glaring in every moment that you spend inside of this virtual game. The locomotion system itself is nothing special, and it really is not that bad. Many people will point fingers at that as the problem, but that isn’t it. In fact it is a lack of consideration for the players from the developers. If you are prone to any type of motion sickness, this game should be discarded immediately. The constant jarring and turning with minimal movement is dangerous for any human. 

You will finish your tutorial and first level after you glide through some hoops, but the motion sickness doesn’t end there. If you change the steering to your head, which many people think will solve the problem, it only is bad in different ways. The latency seems to pick up when you move the tracking from your hands to your head. The best way to glide through your hoops and races is with your head, but it still doesn’t feel great. 

This game features three different game modes with racing, time attack, and score challenge. Racing is going to be the way to go as you are able to race against the computer, random jumpers from around the globe, your friends, or a combination of all three. This is the best mode inside of the game but it still doesn’t make up for the motion sickness that you are bound to experience. 

The feeling this game gives you is a remembrance of a long, loopy car ride. Image you are laying face down on the floor of a car with a warm towel wrapped around your stomach, all while the car is doing donuts while driving down a mountain. Although this might be fun for a few seconds and give you a thrill, in the end you will regret it. This experience is perfectly in line with this game. Below we have formed a list of what to do if you are riddled with motion sickness. 

  • Take control of the situation. Stop whatever is making you sick immediately
  • Look strait ahead and face the way you are focusing on 
  • Look at the horizon, wherever you may be
  • Go to the outdoors or use a fan, but either way get some air on you 
  • Nibble on some crackers
  • Change your sitting location
  • Get away from any type of screens
  • Listen to or sing music to distract yourself
  • Have a conversation with meaning 

Although there is many more you could do to to solve this problem, the best way to not get motion sickness from this game is to simply not play it. For a price of $19.99 you will not be getting your moneys worth from this game. There is plenty more games you can buy for this price that will give you much more than Rush will. If you are simply looking for a game for a quick thrill or something to impress others with your new technology, this is it. If you are looking for a fun game that won’t make you sick and has good story, you need to find something else that isn’t Rush. 


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