Since Beat Saber released back in 2016, not a month has gone by without another gaming studio trying to copy the games success. With 2019 halfway done, it is evident that there is not going to be a game that will beat out Beat Saber in VR for sometime. This still stands true with the release of OnShape VR making its debut in the coming weeks. 

OnShape VR claims that it is its own original game. We understand where they are coming from, but anything like Beat Saber that releases in VR is most likely coming from the ideas of Beat Saber. OnShape is no different. In this game you will be dodging walls that are coming at you from different angles and sides much like Beat Saber, you are going to the beat like Beat Saber, and you are even moving your body as you would in Beat Saber. Everything points to this being just another knock off game. 

Where this game ventures off is how you move your body to the beat. In Beat Saber, you are simply slicing blocks to the beat of whichever song you choose. As for InShape, you need to move your entire body inside of the block the way it presents itself before you. It may sound a little complicated, or even too much, but check out the trailer to get a better understanding of what you’re going to be doing inside of this game. 

Odders Lab are the producers of this game. On Steam, they have a list of things about this game and what it will bring to your headset. For this game to bring any people to it, they will need to be doing something that no other game offers. In this case, Odders has promised that “OnShape will have a great soundtrack and we will bring a steady flux of songs and game modes so you will always have something new to try.” This is a hefty promise, and a promise that holds plenty of weight. For this to happen, their developers will need to on the job plenty to make sure that their new songs are up to speed with their gaming software. 

OnShape is not the first idea of its kind, but customers are going to be very open to giving Odders Lab a chance at this fun idea. Odders will not only be making its VR debut with this game, but its first game debut ever. VR is a hard place to start, but it looks like they have what it takes to make it in this unforgiving industry of gaming.  

This game will be available on the Rift, Vive, and even the newly released Valve Index. Although on Steam we don’t see the Oculus Quest being mentioned, the end of the trailer has lead us to believe that the Quest will be another headset that is going to be featured for this game. This game is expected to release in the “summer of 2019” which is now. So expect this game to make its debut on all platforms very shortly. 


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