As VR continues to be adopted by a broader audience, enabled mostly by lower cost devices, Beat Saber continues to be the most popular game on any VR Platform.

Last Friday afternoon, after an announcement at OC6 in September, Beat Games released the much anticipated Panic at the Disco tracks to the world. The new tracks include “The Greater Show,” “Victorious,” “Emperor’s New Clothes,” and “High Hopes.”
We jumped into the game to play these new titles as soon as they were available. They are definitely a welcomed challenge, and we were sweating and our hearts were beating fast by the end of each level.
The new tracks are available for download now on any platform
When purchasing titles for the O
This will all change soon when Oculus starts supporting Oculus Rift games on the Oculus Quest. Oculus Link is a new tethered experience connecting your Oculus Quest to your PC to run Oculus Rift games. This new functionality will be