In a weekend that was as slow as any other news weekend in VR, Beat Games decided to give us something to nibble on. This was in the form of a somewhat cryptic tweet, in only the most Beat Saber way possible. The company tweeted out a poll that induced the caption of “Okay okay. Important question. Should we do a collab with @SUPERHOTTHEGAME???” This poll seems stuck at 93% saying “SUPERYES” and a small 7% saying “No.” You can check out the tweet below.
This poll could just be something that is designed to create fan interaction, it doesn’t seem likely. There are plenty of ideas that could be originated from this potential collaboration, and all of the great ones seem to be in the mentions of this tweet. The virtual and Beat Saber community is fantastic while trying to be original and make something worth playing, and it seems like at this point, everyone could be developing an app of their own.
While this doesn’t seem like a spoof for the moment being, there are plenty of ways this collab could work and we are incredibly excited by some of the ideas that are originating out of this fun tweet from Beat Saber. Superhot and Beat Saber are two of the most popular games inside of the virtual world right now, and it has been that for years now. If these two were to make a collaborating game inside of either of the games, we are certain it would be a hit. Unless they absolutely miss the dunk, this would be a collab for the ages.

One idea is that they could bypass all of the slow motion sabering and jump strait to the theme to make a difference. Imagine an all white theme with only red (and maybe a darker red for your off hand?) blocks flying at you. Maybe some red men dancing on either side of the note track with some fun modern Fortnite dances and you have yourself a scene. This could be an incredibly fun idea that catches the eyes of many while still maintaining the fun game and idea that Beat Saber is.
Another is putting players into the Beat Saber scene. This could be done in a number of ways, and we will make sure to include them. You could simply put opponents on the track and have them in a spot that would be easy and convenient to hit while you are going from block to block with your sabers. Another way would be to put the players on either side of you and have you fight them while there are breaks in the block-swinging action. This would be a solid mix of the games, it would be a bit choppy transitioning back and forth, and would seem like it is just cutting out the simple transition time between apps.

The two games are completely different, but both have a massive following. If the companies do end up collaborating, it is going to take a masterstroke of creativity from both of the companies. Other than the tweet itself, we have yet to hear anything from either company on what could be in the future. If there is something coming, it wouldn’t be shocking for us to get little to no heads up from either company. The two love surprising their fans with new DLC and unannounced updates, and this one could very well be one of them. For more VR news and updates, make sure to check back at