Teslasuit is the leading company in VR wearables, and they have just added to their line-up with the Teslasuit Glove. These haptic-focused gloves have an exoskeleton design and have pulse-tracking technology riddled throughout the hardware.

Available to demo next month during the annual CES in Las Vegas, Nevada, these gloves will allow users to ‘feel’ the objects they are holding inside of the virtual world. This is possible due to micro haptics and force feedback that Teslasuit has been working on for years now. Although the feeling to hold is new, what does Teslasuit bring to the table that other VR-focused gloves can’t? Let’s dive right in.
One of the most impressive parts of this glove (we have yet to try the glove on ourselves) seems to the exoskeleton that is more for functionality than looks. Although it does seem attractive, the hard-shell plastic on the outside is much more useful than not. This plastic connects from the back of the hand to the tip of the finger, easily creating resistance to your fingers inside of the virtual world. This is going to be useful while holding bigger objects, not letting your hand close all the way. You mix the tension with the force feedback, and you have a glove that is going to make you feel like you are actually holding something.
On a different note, the gloves will have biometric capabilities as the actual suit does too. This allows the company to (with permission of the users) track and monitor the user’s heart rate, excitement level, and physical stress while playing games and inside of experiences. This is all possible because of the pulse oximeter inside of the gloves.
Much like the Teslasuit, the Teslasuit gloves are focused and designed for enterprises and rehabilitation services. If you are on the gaming side of virtual reality, you won’t be finding many uses for these gloves. They come in at a price of $5,000 and will have very limited gaming compatibilities. If you are looking to pair this with your suit for gaming, that can be done over WiFi.
The Future
With more and more available tech to consumers, the future of VR is only looking more bright each and every day. We aren’t at the Matrix level just yet, but we are at a point where we can make virtual reality seem oddly close to our actual reality. If the industry was set on making a matrix experience, we would be much closer than many think. This isn’t to say it is happening, but with the rise of Teslasuit and the capabilities of the newest and nicest headsets, this is a capable idea. For more VR news and community updates, make sure to check back at VRGear.com.