Home News Beat Saber Releasing New Music with “8.7ish notes per second”

Beat Saber Releasing New Music with “8.7ish notes per second”


Yes. You read the headline right. “8.7ish notes per second” may sound like a joke, but its not. This was the tweet the official Beat Saber page posted on the 21st of January, and nothing else. That was until just a few hours ago, where they quote tweeted above the 8.7 tweet saying “THIS WEEK”. You can check out the two tweets below. 

If you are looking for the name of the song or the level difficulty, we don’t have answers. We assume this isn’t going to be a huge band dropping some paid DLC, rather than just one song pushing the capabilities of millions of Beat Saber players all across the globe. Our educated guess would be some EDM music that has beats and rhythms that are nearly impossible to keep up with. We will keep you guys updated as the week goes on and the rumors and official updates keep coming. 

How Much is 8.7/second?

If you are a casual Saber player, you won’t be completing this level right away. If you have yet to learn, there are levels to this. Lets break down some of the more popular songs on the game and the notes per second in them. 

Its Time 

Its Time by Imagine Dragons is one of the more played songs on the game. Our first time playing this song, we felt good. That feeling didn’t last long, as there are only 4.43 notes per second. The song is 3:53 with a steady rhythm of 1031 notes in its entirety for Expert+. 

Beat Saber

This is one of the classic songs on the game, and known as one of the hardest. Its only 1:50, but it packs in 632 notes for a whopping 5.72 beats per second on the Expert+ game mode. This is insane, but again, not the hardest. 

Cycle Hit

Cycle Hit is a hard song, and the hardest we could find on the game. For a song that is 5:17, it packs in 2023 notes for an average of 6.37 notes per second. This is insane for any player, and is the reason that so many Beat Saber players are looking like football players nowadays. 

What The Cat

What The Cat is also very hard, and EDM oriented. This song is only 3:25, but holds a note count of 1285. That means for each second you are in this game, you are hitting 6.26 notes per second. Thats a whole lot of arm swinging for a game that is about music. 

The New Song 

If that fastest song in the game right now is only 6.37 beats per second, that means the new song will be at least ~25% faster than any other song inside of the game. This means that even the players who can complete Cycle Hit will be having a hard time with this new song. It is clearly mean to challenge people, and that it will. Are you up for the challenge? What’s the hardest song you’ve completed on Expert+? Let us know in the comments below! For more VR news and gaming updates, make sure to check back at VRGear.com



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