Home Games Arizona Sunshine: In-Depth Game Review

Arizona Sunshine: In-Depth Game Review


Arizona Sunshine has been a top VR game for over three years now. This game first debuted shortly after all of the first consumer headsets were released, and a constant stream of DLC has kept this game popular for years. Now with the release of the game on the Oculus Quest on the horizon, this game is picking up more steam than ever. This is the best game for VR zombie killing in the world, and it is evident from the second you get into the game. 

In our in-depth game reviews, we look to cover everything you will want to know before you jump into a VR game. Whether you are just trying a game or looking to buy it, we are going to have everything you will need to know about Arizona Sunshine. From the advanced locomotion system to the incredibly accurate guns, this game review is going to take a deep-dive into the Vertigo Games hit. If there is anything you think we missed, make sure to let us know in the comments below. 

Getting Up and Running

Getting up and running with Arizona Sunshine is no different than any other virtual reality game. The file size is large, but it is not going to take too much storage compared to other large virtual reality games. The file is 12 GB. If you have a fast and wired internet connection, this game is going to take much less than 30 minutes to download and install. If you are connected to much slower internet, this game could take well over an hour to finish downloading and installing. 

As for the price and availability of this game, it is wide-ranging. You will be able to purchase this game for your PC headset on the Steam Store, Viveport Store, PlayStation Store, and even the Oculus Store. It is going to be priced at $39.99 on all of these platforms, but the discounts for this game are all over the place. As of now, you can get this game for half-price on Steam, but nowhere else. This game is also a part of Viveport Infinity, but it is unclear how long that will be there. This game is also coming to the Oculus Quest on December 5th (2019) for a price of $39.99. 

Type of Game

This is a zombie shooter game, with a storyline that is going to keep you playing throughout the entire campaign mode. Along with an immersive story mode, you are going to be able to go the horde mode, which is the arcade mode in this game. You will be able to choose from three different game scenes in horde mode, all which you will eventually see when you dive into the campaign mode. Arcade mode is fun in this game, but it isn’t where the game makes a name for itself. 

Along with the campaign mode, there is also two added levels of DLC you can play in the game. They go with the story in the campaign, but they aren’t essential to play to complete the story. If you are looking to play more of the game without the simplicity of the horde mode (arcade mode) then this DLC will give you something to look forward to play. There is enough in this game to keep you entertained for a long time, and the multiple game modes with multiple scenes plays no small role in that. 

Player Perspective

You’ll be playing Arizona Sunshine from the first-person perspective, just like most VR games. You won’t be seeing your arms, legs, or even body in this game though. That isn’t going to impact the immersion this game provides though, as it is quickly forgotten once inside of the game. You will see your hands as they clutch the gun throughout your time in this game. The perspective of this game is often forgotten though, as the action is going to keep you captivated the entire time. 

Theme and Story – Score: 10/10

Not many games in 201 9 have a full story in VR, especially first-person shooters. When it comes to games made in 2016, the number of full game drops significantly. Arizona Sunshine is still popular because of the in-depth story it provides, the strong theme throughout the game, and the free DLC that is included with this game. There isn’t a weak spot in this part of the game, and the score here is reflecting that. 

Controls – Score: 8/10

The controls in this game are next to perfect. Not only are they easy to use, but they are learned without going through the tutorial, even in the slightest. The trigger shoots, the grip holds, and the buttons reload. It would have been nice to see the off-hand get involved in the reloading a little more, but we understand that couldn’t be the case when holding two guns. If the movement in this game was reserved for one hand, this game could have walked away with a perfect score. 

Music and Sound – Score: 8/10

The music and sound in this game was professionally done. In the menu, the music entices you and excites you for gameplay. In the game, the music fades slowly to the back as the zombies and the spatial noises from the creatures take center stage. There isn’t a dull moment of audio in this game, and that is only highlighted by the fantastic speakers on the Valve Index. If you are looking for a game that is going to immerse you with its sounds alone, look no further. 

Player Movement – Score: 8/10

This is one of the areas this game struggled in doing well. The teleportation in this game was well done, but the problem of traveling in short distances was a problem. When reaching for a gun, it was often hard to find a perfect spot when choosing where to land with the teleportation. This game didn’t need both hands to teleport. The other could’ve been used to manually move the body, and that would’ve been fantastic. Not a huge problem, but hopefully this gets fixed in the Quest version. 

Kinetosis – Score: 6/10

If you are new to virtual reality, this game is going to be a problem for you early on. It requires you to have an iron stomach if you are going to be teleporting as much as the game wants you to be. Moving your head by yourself in this game is preferred, but there are times when using the controller is necessary. Doing this too much will also cause some motion sickness. You could get away playing this game without getting motion sick, but you’ll need your VR legs to have a good time in this one. 

Environment and Immersion – Score: 10/10

The environment and immersion in this game is top of the line. The only knock here is the lack of ability to move around and reach for things that are close to you. Other than that, the immersion is top-notch. The characters are real for the time they were made, the music and sound do a fantastic job, and the theme is strong enough to keep you in this game for hours. A great score for a job well done here. 

Overall – Score: 8.5/10

Arizona Sunshine is a game that is worth playing, regardless of its dated release date. There isn’t one part of this game that wasn’t thought through and focused on by the developers, and the smooth play of this game is going to keep you interested for hours. If you are wanting this game but are scared of the price point, you can get your copy for no extra charge through the Viveport Infinity subscription. This game is also coming to the Oculus Quest at the end of 2019. 



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