Home Games Knockout League VR: In-Depth Game Review

Knockout League VR: In-Depth Game Review


Knockout League is widely known as the best boxing virtual reality game. There is a handful of people who think Creed: Rise To Glory holds this title, but anyone familiar with both games, would say something different. This boxing VR title was built from the ground up for virtual reality, so you will be sure to experience a truly immersive experience in this game. It won’t be perfect, but it is going to be the closest thing you get to boxing inside of a virtual environment. 

In our in-depth game reviews, we look to cover anything and everything you will want to know before you go out and buy or try a virtual title. From the player movement in this game to the consistency of your right hook, we are going to be covering it all below. It isn’t often we get to review a game this fun and wholesome, so we are excited to be reviewing this one for you today. Let’s jump right in and start with getting up and running with Knockout League VR. 

Getting Up and Running

The price of Knockout League VR is $19.99 and it can be found on the Steam Store, Oculus Store, and even the PlayStation Store. This game doesn’t get discounted often and isn’t in bundle deals often either. If you are interested in getting this game for a discounted price or a free download, you can also get this game on Viveport with the Infinity subscription. This game will be on that subscription for some time, so getting it downloaded for free should not be a problem down the road. 

The file size of this game is going to coming in at 7 GB. For a game with the price point of $20, you’ll be hoping the file size it large. If you are connected to some fast wired internet speeds, this game could be downloaded in under 10 minutes and installed. If you are connected to some internet that feels like you still travel with the horse and buggy, this game could be almost taking an hour to download and install. 

Type of Game

This is a first-person boxing game, but more broadened, it is a sports simulation game. This game, like many other great virtual reality games, adds a fun non-realistic twist. In Knockout League, you are going to find yourself fighting off wizards, queens from medieval times, and of course, regular boxers with abnormally amount of muscles. By any measurement, this game is going to be a fun sports simulation. 

Knockout League is all arcade and advancing past opponents. This isn’t a game where you will be running around in a free world with all capabilities endless, but you will be able to fight plenty of opponents. If you are wanting to play a sports simulation game with no many failing levels, this will be a great game for you. Just one game mode, but that is all you need in Knockout League VR. 

Player Perspective

As for the player perspective in this game, it is exactly what you would want it to be with boxing inside of virtual reality. First-person is the best way to play VR, and this is exactly what the game puts you in. You won’t be seeing your arms or legs in this game, but you will be seeing your gloves throughout your entire experience inside of Knockout League VR. It is not the most detailed view, but it gets the job done and still immerses you into this virtual world. 

Theme and Story – Score: 7/10

Both the theme and story in this game are strong, even though you won’t be inside of any campaign or lengthy story. The arcade-styled game does everything you need for the story, as you will be advancing through the levels and opponents. The theme stays consistent and strong with this game, warranting a score of 7 here. 

Controls – Score: 8/10

The controls in this game are refreshingly simple yet interactive during gameplay. You would expect to be playing this game with no controller input other than the movement, but that is not the case here. You will be pulling and holding the trigger to close your fist and punch your opponent. When you let go of your trigger on either hand, your hands will open up. This allows you to defend yourself and block any opposing blows to your avatar. 

Music and Sound – Score: 7/10

There is not any music in this game, but the sound effects and voices you hear are enough to propel this game into a solid 7. It would’ve been appreciated for the developers to put some sort of soundtrack in here, especially in the menu, but it wasn’t a sore spot. If you love, or even like, boxing inside of virtual reality, this game is going to immerse you very well during gameplay. 

Player Movement – Score: 8/10

You will be stationary in this game the entire time playing, but you will not be needing to move. Unlike Creed: Rise To Glory, you won’t be heckled by your coach the whole fight to move around, even if it did cause motion sickness. In Knockout League, you will stay in the same place for the entire fight. This helps reduce motion sickness and is appreciated. As for the arm movement, it is mapped perfectly and very well done throughout all of your fights. 

Kinetosis – Score: 7/10

The motion sickness is there in this game, but it doesn’t ever stop you from playing the game. You’ll notice it more when the headset is off, but you are still going to have a fun time playing this game regardless of how you think it might make you feel inside. If you are highly sensitive to motion sickness already, this game will emphasize it. If you aren’t, you will be just fine here. 

Environment and Immersion – Score: 7/10

One part of the game we wish was different was the interactions with the opponents in this game. You were only able to strike at them if they were making the first move at you. This took away from the immersion a great amount and it was hindering the game as a whole. Other than that, Knockout League does a great job of immersing you into the boxing world that you have found yourself stuck in. 

Overall – Score: 7.3

Knockout League is on the Viveport Infinity subscription, and that is a blessing to many. We don’t think we will be playing this game, even though it truly is the best virtual boxing game on the market right now. If we were given a little more freedom with when we could swing and how we could interact with the person in front of us, it would have gone over a little better. This game is well worth the download, but not worth your money. Hold onto your wallets. 


  1. What a contradictory review. On one hand you are saying it’s the best boxing in vr then saying it’s not worth the money and you wont be playing it. What gives?


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