Home News Every Game That Valve Index Controllers Have Support of (So Far)

Every Game That Valve Index Controllers Have Support of (So Far)


The Valve Index headset has been one of the most anticipated virtual headsets of the year, almost rivaling the arrival of the Oculus Quest. This new headset is the first headset that is being introduced by viva exclusively, as they have also helped with the Vive products. Everyone is pretty excited about what the Index has to offer. 

In the next few days, the first wave of Valve Index headsets will be arriving on doorsteps. If you ordered this headset, you should see it soon. If you didn’t pre-order it, chances are you will be waiting until at least September to get your hands on this new head-mounted display. The Index isn’t the only thing people are dying to get their hands on. The new Valve controllers (formally known as Knuckle controllers) are shipping out the same time as the new headset, and are being included in many packet deals. 

Regardless of what this new headset is capable of, we know the power of the Valve controllers. Not only are the new controllers bale to track every single finger on your hand, but the strap on the side of your hand make for an eerie virtual reality experience. Because you are able to literally pick object up, set them down, and even throw them now, you will be immersed in ways that you never have been before. 

The SteamVR store should be and will be the primary place for purchasing games and experiences for your Valve Index. This means that developers have already started to say which of their games are going to be supporting the Index. Unofficially, you will be able to use the Valve controllers with every game that supports the Index. There are now games that are specially targeting the Valve controllers as something that they are baking into their game. This means the finger tracking will be a part of the game, and even the new analog sticks will be optimized with the new games. 

Below we have made a list of games that have already started to announce the compatibility of the new Valve controllers. We are sure that many more will be announcing the same thing within the next short few days of the Index arriving on peoples doorsteps, but for now, this is what the list looks like. 

As for games that are planning on it but haven’t released the update for the compatibility of the game yet, they have a much shorter list. That only includes the following:

As the Index makes a big impact on the SteamVR store and many developers are forced to take notice, we are sure to see more games make modifications to their already existing games. On top of that, we can expect Valve exclusive games to make an appearance in the near future. This will be due to the functionality and the popularity of the Valve controllers. If a studio can harness the power of the controller and really use finger tracking the right way, we could be in for something special. 



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