Yesterday at the Oculus Connect 6 event, we saw Oculus roll out several new updates to the company. Some may argue that Oculus Link is the biggest, others may say Horizon, and some say Oculus Business. If you are a corporation that uses Vive hardware and technologies to assist your everyday business, you are going to love what Oculus just did. If you are a business that uses the Oculus Go to train employees, this is going to further your exploration and efficiency inside of your business.
Virtual reality has been assisting business for a while now, and it is starting to pick up more steam as time progresses. Collaborations on a big project are becoming easier than ever, learning while not physically in a room with other students is happening every
If you have a large or very distributed workforce that needs some VR assistance, it can be hard to get everyones eyes in front of the headset. Developers have yet to have the ability to scale their works into a headset, but now with Oculus Business, it is going to be possible. Coming to the Oculus Quest and Oculus Go this November, Oculus Business is made for everyone.
With a new Android and iOS app, there are
Oculus Business is also taking steps to enhance the experience inside of the headset as well. A new and improved user interface and operating systems will allow employees to focus

Hand tracking will become available on the Quest soon, which will allow the experience to be even more immersive and beneficial than ever. Included with that release will be gaze detection, although it will be far away from eye tracking and everything that includes. This will make the virtual reality training more inclusive to everyone, regardless of past VR use.
Lastly, Oculus promises a new and secure way to store your companies data, and more importantly, your customers data. Using the same principals that they use for Facebook Workplace, Oculus Business is going to follow a strict data handling protocol while storing all data. Oculus Business is also going to feature live chat help, phone call assistance, and of course help through emails. If your entire app crashes or you are having a company wide meltdown of the app, the Oculus team will be there by your side helping you out whatever way they can.
This is an exciting time for Oculus and business owners, as their VR for business just got a whole lot better. For more VR news and updates, make sure to check back at